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Unhoused Workgroup Meeting 12/12/24





This meeting started with a discussion about the need for volunteer space for the Point in Time Count on January 23. SCAF agreed to host the volunteers, providing space and warm beverages that day.

The Food Bank & Community Resource Center reported that they had mutual board support for the concept of the Resource Hub. They will work with each other and the Coalition to move forward with a proposed phased implementation that could allow for minimal improvements to make the space operational. Concerns about staffing for safety were raised, suggesting a start of two days a week for client meetings. There was an interest in utilizing the space for school families, emphasizing the need for laundry facilities.

A discussion about the lack of shelters and services for cold weather shelters.

A discussion about the potential role of the faith community in addressing local challenges was also highlighted with plans for networking and collaboration to refine presentations for the upcoming meeting on January 16.

Attendees are tasked with coming to the next meeting with a potential presentation for the Faith Community meeting.

Dec 23, 2024

1 min read





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