Transitional Kindergarten: Registration is full
KinderConnect: new program to connect preschool/daycare providers with kindergarten teachers. 14 people in attendance. Expand to ECAP/YMCA
Community Resource Center: Early learning - revamping outdoor area, hiring Spanish Interpreter, expanding some services to Camano
YMCA Ready, Set, Go!: Summer program to prepare children for Kindergarten. Registration is almost full.
Outdoor Classroom at Arrowhead Ranch: Naming contest has concluded. The name for this space will be the L.A.N.E - Little Arrowhead Nature Explore. The name was announced at the Soapbox Derby. Construction should be completed in July. More to come about how the public will be able to use the space and the process for Coalition partners to reserve and use space.
Camano Outdoor Education Association/Camano Forest School: We granted seed funding to get this nonprofit started. On June 3 they had their first day of school. They have full enrollment and a waitlist. We received a thank you.
No new business
No meeting in July due to holiday.