Kindergarten Readiness Workgroup Meeting Notes from 9/26/24
Reviewed Financials: $138,000 left for the year
Project updates:
Transitional Kindergarten: All Classes are full!! Family meetings, open house
Early learning-CRC: Play & Learn, Parent Café, Kaleidoscope, Parent Advisory Council
YMCA-Ready, Set, Go. Very successful. Expand for next summer.
The LANE: Open to the public!
Other: Forest School - registration is open to the public.
YMCA: Funding Request: Toddler Movement & Play (Will update and resubmit)
Sno-Isle: met with Sno-Isle Library: They will be submitting a Funding Request in the new year.
CRC: Transportation for mobile play (research and get back to us)
Trauma training: ChildStrive
Infant Mental Health: ChildStrive
Early Learning Center: CRC to have Strategic Planning to determine if it is going down this road.