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Kindergarten Readiness-Steering meeting 8/22/24




  1. Financials


The group reviewed the financials for Kindergarten Readiness as whole and also the budget set aside for The LANE (Outdoor Classroom project)


$450,000 was set aside for completion of this project and they are ending up a little over-tapping into contingency funds.

2. Updates

Transitional Kindergarten

-16 Students per classroom x3 classrooms. Ready for new school year.

CRC Early Childhood Learning Center-Director out on medical leave will get an update next month

Ready, Set, Go: has been a very successful program with some very impactful interactions.

The LANE-Work party scheduled for 9/5 at 10am to put together and place all of the supplies ordered from Outdoor Explore for the different learning centers. The Ribbon Cutting Open house will be 9/13 at 1pm.

New Business

  1. Stanwood YMCA will Launch in Jan-Preschool/PreK 8-1 M-F (currently looking for space)

2. CRC and School Dist. meeting to discuss the possibility of CRC becoming and Early Learning Center-This is probably 1 year out. Possible support from this workgroup for this project. Space would house current programs plus preschool space, developmental preschool, ECAP, speech/OT/PT, etc.

3. Brainstorming potential projects

Will work with YMCA regarding potential Toddler Sports and My Body/My Choice preschool curriculum.

Will check with SnoIsle Library about status of a project.

Need Indoor Play Space for young children. Look for space.

Next meeting is 9/26 and Oct. meeting was rescheduled for 10/31

Aug 27

1 min read





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